Friday, 31 October 2014
Rail Detect Voltage LED Circuit
Mains Supply Failure Alarm
Resistor R9 limits the operating current (and hence the brightness) of LED2. When the battery voltage is 9V, LED2 glows with full intensity. As the battery voltage goes below 8V, the intensity of LED2 decreases and it glows very dimly. LED2 goes off when the battery voltage goes below 7.5V. Initially, in standby state, both the LEDs are off and the buzzer does not sound. The 230V AC mains is directly fed to mains-voltage detection optocoupler IC MCT2E (IC1) via resistors R1, R2 and R3, bridge rectifier BR1 and capacitor C1.
Illumination of the LED inside optocoupler IC1 activates its internal phototransistor and clock input pin 12 of IC2 (connected to 9V via N/C contact of relay RL1) is pulled low. Note that only one monostable of dual-monostable multivibrator IC CD4538 (IC2) is used here. When mains goes off, IC2 is triggered after a short duration determined by components C1, R4 and C3. Output pin 10 of IC2 goes high to forward bias relay driver transistor T1 via resistor R7.
Light provided by this back-up LED is sufficient to search the torch or generator key. During the mono time-out period, the circuit can be switched off by opening switch S1. The ‘on’ period of the monostable multivibrator may be changed by changing the value of resistor R5 or capacitor C2. If mains doesn’t resume when the ‘on’ period of the monostable lapses, the timer is retriggered after a short delay determined by resistor R4 and C3.
Source: EFY Mag
Solid State Hybrid

The TDA7250cfp This 2-channel hybrid IC is normally configured with TIP142/147 power darlingtons for its output. For those who prefer to use power transistors instead, the TDA7250 can easily be converted. All that is required are a few transistors, 4 additional resistors and some rewiring. This conversion centers mainly on changing the output section to a Sziklai. Sziklai Output In our IA502 on the right, drivers Q1,Q2 are 2SC2238 and 2SA968, and outputs Q5,Q6 are 2SA1216 and 2SC2922 respectively. No instability problems were encountered from this conversion. After a period of run-in, the amplifier remained thermally stable. Is this version worth the extra cost and effort? If one is only interested in something basic, the TIP version would be sufficient. But if one is after sonic performance, I would recommend this version.

Thursday, 30 October 2014
Graphic Equalizer Schematic 10 band Mono

Graphic Equalizer Schematic 10 band Mono Part List:
....20= 10Kohms | C4= 10nF polyester | C18= 68pF polysterine |
R21....40= 1Mohms | C5= 47nF polyester | C19= 360pF polysterine |
R41= 10Kohms | C6= 4.7nF polyester | C20= 36pF polysterine |
R42= 1Kohms | C7= 22nF polyester | C21= 4.7uF polyester |
R43.....52= 2.2Kohms | C8= 2.2nF polyester | C22-23= 33pF polysterine |
R53.....62= 47Kohms | C9= 12nF polyester | C24= 10uF 25V |
R63-64-66-67= 47Kohms | C10= 1.2nF polyester | C25-26= 47uF 25V |
R65= 10Kohms | C11= 5.6nF polyester | C27...32= 47nF polyester |
R68-69= 47 ohms 1/2W | C12= 560pF polysterine | IC1...3= TL074 |
RV1....10= 100Kohms lin FADER | C13= 2.7nF polyester | S1= 2X4 SW for stereo |
RV11= 10Kohms log. | C14= 270pF polysterine | |
C1= 180nF polyester | C15= 1.5nF polyester | |
C2= 18nF polyester | C16= 150pF polysterine | |
C3= 100nF polyester | C17= 680pF polysterine |
Nmos Power Amplifier Series Part 2

Schema Diagram

Layout Nmos350

on a heatsink. Make sure the main power supply is fused and the work area is clear. First check all
your work and make sure the output devices are insulated from heatsink. The set up is done without
an input or a load connected to the power amplifier.
1. Check the power supply is operating correctly and verify the rail voltages. Switch the power
supply off and check with a multimeter that the rail capacitors have discharged.
2. Correctly connect the ground, positive and negative leads to the power amp module.
3. Remove the PCB fuses and replace with 100 ohm 5 watt resistors. Connect a multimeter
that is set to the 20 volt scale across the positive rail 100 ohm resistor.
4. Check that the power supply connections are correct one last time and switch on. If the
multimeter reading goes off-scale, turn off immediately and find the problem. Check also the
100 ohm 5 watt resistors; they may have gone open cct.
5. If everything seems ok adjust VR2 to set the output stage bias current, by measuring the
voltage across the positive rail resistor. Adjust for a reading of 3 volts per output FET pair. I.e.
For a 6 FET board set for a voltage of 9 volts. This equates to a bias current of 30mA per
FET pair or 90 mA total. For a 10 FET board set for a voltage of 15 volts.
6. If everything seems ok, check the output offset voltage and adjust VR1 to achieve an offset of
less than 10 mV.
7. All being well switch off, back off the bias control trimmer (VR2) and replace the 100 ohm
resistors with 10 ohm 1 watt resistors. Switch on again and re-adjust VR2 to get 0.3 volts per
per FET pair across the positive rail 10 ohm resistor.
8. Switch off, remove the resistors and put the fuses back in. Switch on, re-check the offset
voltage and adjust with VR1 if necessary.
The amp module is ready, connect the input and output and enjoy.
Fluorescent Tube Basics
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Interfacing Keypad and LCD Embedded Microprocessor
The DCM-20434 LCD display is interfaced to the MCU’s SPI-0 serial port through a serial to parallel converter as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows the interface connections between the SPI-0 serial port, the 74HC595 (serial to parallel converter) device, and the LCD-PORT. The DCM-20434 LCD should be configured in four bit mode as the schematic shows DB3 through DB0 connected to ground. This is the interface figure.
To interface the LCD display to the HCS12 MCU you must understand how the physical layer interface circuit is constructed (shown in Schematics for Development Board), how to configure and use the SPI serial port (SPI Serial Bus Document), and how to configure and use the LCD display (DMC-20434 LCD Specifications ).
Emergency Power Generator Source
100W Hi End Audio Amplifier SymAsym5
Symasym5, is a "cute" power amplifier, designed with quality but still low price in mind. This resulted in a ClassAB BJT amplifier, using only TO92 transistors for input and VAS, with a reasonable part count. The topology used is well known and consist of a single diffamp for input, plus a 2nd diffamp with current mirror for VAS. This is followed by normal darlington EF outputstage using modern high beta devices. The circuit uses large amounts of feedback over the whole audioband and an unconventional feedback compensation scheme.
Right now symasym is designed to be driven directly from a CD/DVD-player, simply place a 22k poslog stereo pot between player and symasym. (as voltage divider)
- THD: ~0.005% (measured) simd: 0.002%
- Power into 8ohm: 60 watts
- Power into 4ohm: 100 watts
- Gain: 32dB (~1:40) full output at 0.7v input (0.5v rms)
- Feedback: 57dB
- GainBandWidth: ~400Mhz
- Slewrate: ~20v/us (symetrical)
- Supply voltage: +/- 36v
- Biasing: 55ma, ~12mv across a single 0.22 ohm
- Measurings: RMAA Symasym5 The measuring setup itself is far from perfect, but gives a good idea !
- Frequency response: 3.2hz to 145khz (-1db) using 4.7uf input cap
- Phaseshift at 10khz: <3°
- More will follow !

Device | Qty | Value | Notes |
Q1,Q2 | 2 | MPSA18 | can be substituted by BC550C (pins reversed !) |
Q7,Q8 | 2 | BC546B | or maybe 2n5551 (pins reversed !) |
Q3,Q9 | 2 | 2N5551 | OnSemi/Fairchild/Philips |
Q4,Q5,Q12 | 3 | 2N5401 | OnSemi/Fairchild/Philips |
T1 | 1 | BD139 | or bd135, bd135-16 |
U$5 | 1 | MJE15030 | OnSemi |
U$6 | 1 | MJE15031 | OnSemi |
U$3 | 1 | MJL3281A | OnSemi |
U$4 | 1 | MJL1302A | OnSemi |
Device | Qty | Value | Notes |
C14 | 1 | 10pF (has been 22pF) | Mica |
C2,C7 | 2 | 100pF | Mica |
C3,C4 | 2 | 330pF | Mica |
C18 | 1 | 47nF | Wima MKS2 |
C5, C6, C10, C11, C16, C17, C20 | 7 | 100nF | Wima MKS2 |
C1 | 1 | 10uF (4.7uF also fits) | Wima MKS2 |
C8,C9 | 2 | 100uF | Electrolytic 63v (at least 40v) |
C19 | 1 | 470uF | Electrolytic 16v |
C12,C13 | 2 | 1000uF | Electrolytic 63v (at least 40v) |
Device | Qty | Value | Notes |
R27,R28 | 2 | 0R22 | 5Watts |
R1, R3 | 2 | 1R2 | 2Watts metal film |
R4 | 1 | 4R7 | 2Watts metal film |
R7 | 1 | 10 | 2Watts metal film |
R2 | 1 | 10 | 250mW metal film |
R8, R9 | 2 | 22 | 250mW metal film |
R31, R32 | 2 | 47 (have been 22) | 250mW metal film |
R26 | 1 | 33 | 250mW metal film |
R10 | 1 | 68 | 250mW metal film |
R15,R17 | 2 | 150 | 250mW metal film |
R11 | 1 | 220 | 250mW metal film |
R24,R30 | 2 | 499 (or 500) | 250mW metal film |
R5,R6 | 2 | 680 | 250mW metal film |
R13,R23 | 2 | 2k | 250mW metal film |
R12,R14,R29 | 3 | 22k | 250mW metal film |
R18,R20 | 2 | 47k | 250mW metal film |
R22 | 1 | 1k pot | Piher, small (470ohm might be better) |
Device | Qty | Value | Notes |
F1,F2 | 2 | 2.5T Fuse | Slow blow |
F1,F2 | 2 | --- | Fuse holder |
L1 | 1 | --- | 0.6mm isolated (enamelled) copper wire wounded around R7 forming the output coil. |
- All resistors are standard metal film 250mW except: R1/3/4/7, these are 2W metal film, and the 0.22ohm beeing 5W.
Around R7 is wounded a 0.6mm isolated (enamelled) copper wire forming the output coil. (~12 windings)
For c19 i used 470uf/16v, all other electrolytics 63v. The 10/100/330pF should be mica-caps.
The 100nf and 47nf is recommended to be Wima MKS2 (or better), also for C1 i suggest Wima MKS2, 4.7uf is enough.
For Trimpot i use a Piher. The MPSA18 can be substituted by BC550C, for all other parts i do not recommend changes, especially the feedback network (r29/30) should be kept unchanged, feedback compensation is very delicate for this circuit ! - Be careful when substituting the MPSA18 with BC550C, the pinout is reversed between these 2 transistors !!!
- The bias is adjusted via the trimpot (R22). Recommended bias is 55ma, resulting in 12mv across a single 0.22ohms or 24mv across both 0.22ohms. Connect a DMM to the upper wires of these resistors and adjust trimpot until DMM reads wanted voltage.
Portable Muscular Bio Stimulator
- P1-----4K7 Linear Potentiometer
- R1-----180K 1/4W Resistor
- R2-----1K8 1/4W Resistor (see Notes)
- R3-----2K2 1/4W Resistor
- R4-----100R 1/4W Resistor
- C1-----100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
- C2-----100µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
- D1-----LED Red 5mm.
- D2-----1N4007 1000V 1A Diode
- Q1,Q2-----BC327 45V 800mA PNP Transistors
- IC1-----7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC
- T1-----220V Primary, 12V Secondary 1.2VA Mains transformer (see Notes)
- SW1-----SPST Switch (Ganged with P1)
- B1-----3V Battery (two 1.5V AA or AAA cells in series etc.)
- T1 is a small mains transformer 220 to 12V @ 100 or 150mA. It must be reverse connected i.e. the 12V secondary winding across Q2 Collector and negative ground, and the 220V primary winding to output electrodes.
- Output voltage is about 60V positive and 150V negative but output current is so small that there is no electric-shock danger.
- In any case P1 should be operated by the "patient", starting with the knob fully counter-clockwise, then rotating it slowly clockwise until the LED starts to illuminate. Stop rotating the knob when a light itch sensation is perceived.
Best knob position is usually near the center of its range. - In some cases a greater pulse duration can be more effective in cellulite treatment. Try changing R2 to 5K6 or 10K maximum: stronger pulses will be easily perceived and the LED will shine more brightly.
- Electrodes can be obtained by small metal plates connected to the output of the circuit via usual electric wire and can be taped to the skin. In some cases, moistening them with little water has proven useful.
- SW1 should be ganged to P1 to avoid abrupt voltage peaks on the "patients" body at switch-on, but a stand alone SPST switch will work quite well, provided you remember to set P1 knob fully counter-clockwise at switch-on.
- Current drawing of this circuit is about 1mA @ 3V DC.
- Some commercial sets have four, six or eight output electrodes. To obtain this you can retain the part of the circuit comprising IC1, R1, R2, C1, C2, SW1 and B1. Other parts in the diagram (i.e. P1, R3, R4, D1, D2, Q2 & T1) can be doubled, trebled or quadrupled. Added potentiometers and R3 series resistors must be wired in parallel and all connected across Emitter of Q1 and positive supply.
- Commercial sets have frequently a built-in 30 minutes timer. For this purpose you can use the Timed Beeper the Bedside Lamp Timer or the Jogging Timer circuits available on this Website, adjusting the timing components to suit your needs.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Alarm Sound with Control Switch
Alarm Sound with Control Switch |
20 Watt Class A Power Amplifier Circuit
Some esoteric (some might say idiosyncratic) designs use inductors or 1:1 transformers, but these are bulky and very expensive. Unless made to the utmost standards of construction, they will invariably have a negative effect on the sound quality, since the losses are frequency dependent and non-linear.
This amp uses the basic circuitry of the 60W power amp (see Index), but modified for true Class-A operation - it should be pretty nice! This amp has been built by several readers, and the reports I have received have been very positive.
With simulations, everything appears to be as expected, but although I have yet to actually build it and test it out thoroughly, no-one has had any problems so far. Using +/-20 Volt supplies - either conventional, regulated or using a capacitance multiplier, it should actually be capable of about 22 W before clipping, but expect to use a big heatsink - this amp will run hot.
Stereo to surround sound systems
Monday, 27 October 2014
TDA1524 Stereo Tone Control
- R1 ,R2 ,R3 andR4 can be used for controlling volume, balance, treble and bass respectively.
- If SPDT switch S1 is in position 1 ,the circuit works in contour mode and in position 2 the circuit works in linear mode.
- If you are using a 15-20V supply, you can use that as your pre-amp supply as well. Make sure you test the voltage first in all cases
TDA1524 Tone Control Component:
R1,R2 : 220R Resistor
R3,R4 : 4K7 Resistor
R5 : 2K2 Resistor
R6 : 1K Resistor
C1,C2,C7,C8,C17 : 10 uF ecap
C3,C4 : 47 nF
C5,C6 : 15 nF
C9 : 220 nF poly
C10 : 100 uF 25V
C11,C12,C13,C14,C16 : 100 nF
C15 : 1000 uF 35V
C18,C19 : 10 nF
IC1 : TDA 1524A
IC2 : LM 7812
P1 : 50k linear switch pot
P2,P3,P4 : 50k linear pot
X1,X2,X3,X4 : RCA jack
D1 : Diode 1N4004
L1 : Red LED
Stereo High Power Audio Amplifier
High Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram |
IC Amplifier with HA13118 Diagram
IC Amplifier with HA13118 Circuit Diagram |
USB cable signals
The USB cable signals |
Sunday, 26 October 2014
KA2107 Tone control electronic circuit project
A very simple tone control electronic circuit project can be designed using the KA2107 integrated circuit manufactured by Samsung Electronics . This tone control electronic circuit project is very simple requiring few external electronic parts . As you can see in circuit diagram the KA2107 tone control circuit project is designed for stereo application and it has some additional functions like volume control and balance control between channels . Adjusting the 10k potentiometers (bass and tremble) you will modify the high and low output signal frequency .
This electronic circuit project must be powered from a simple 12 volt Dc power supply circuit , but it works fine also with a 8 volt or 14 volt DC power circuit .
Saturday, 25 October 2014
I2C Bus Electrical Isolation Diagram Circuit
Resistors R1, R4, R5, and R8, are the usual 3.3 kΩ pull-up resistors that are obligatory in each I2C line. If these resistors are already present elsewhere in the system, they may be omitted here. The current drawn by the circuit is slightly larger than usual since the pull-up resistors are shunted by the LEDs in the optoisolators and their series resistors. Nevertheless, it remains within the norms laid down in the I2C specification
Friday, 24 October 2014
Condenser Pre Amplifier LM 1458
using a LM1458 dual op amp IC. The circuit takes the audio signal rom the condenser microphone and amplifier it, so you can use the microphone as the input to some device which wouldn’t normally accept microphone level signals .
Schematic Circuit of Microphone Electret
Condenser Pre Amplifier
The circuit requires a 6-9 volt supply. Output of the microphone amplifier can be made variable by connecting a 10kΩ potentiometer . Circuit’s gain can be increased by men perbesar the value of 47K, depending on the input sensitivity of the main amplifier system. The microphone should be housed in a small round enclosure.
List componet of condenser pre-amp mic circuit
Q1,Q2 : LM1458 Op-Amp
R1,R2,R3 : 4.7k ohm resistor
R4, R5 : 10k ohm resistor
R6,R7 : 47k ohm resistor
C1, : 0.22uF ceramic capacitor
C2 : 1uF ceramic capacitor
Absolute maximum ratings of LM 1458 IC
Supply Voltage : ±18V
Power Dissipation : 400 mW
Differential Input Voltage : ±30V
Input Voltage : ±15V
Output Short-Circuit Duration: Continuous
Operating Temperature Range : 0°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature Range : −65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature :(Soldering, 10 sec.) 260°C
1 3 12 2 VDC Variable Power Supply
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Technology Spending Limits and the Auto Sound System
What you need to do in order to maintain proper sanity is decide on a level of technology that you are comfortable and confident with and go with it until it is time (by either necessity or desire) to upgrade. You do not have to be the first to purchase the latest and greatest in software and gadgetry (this has become my mantra: I do not have to be the first to own the great big bad new toy, I will survive gadget deprivation-it isnt working yet but Im ever the optimist). The point is that you do not need to be the first to try every new thing and you will not only wear yourself out by trying but also you bank account, credit cards, and second mortgage. Technology is expensive, especially the newest and latest. If there was any doubt stroll on over to Ebay and see how much Play Station 3s are selling for at the moment-madness and lunacy do not even begin to subscribe the amount of money people are offering to pay for these devices.
3000W Stereo Power Amplifier Circuit
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